Hey, what's the next best thing to do when you (a male) finished your perfume spray and you are going for a date?
It's pee! Just rub a bit of your pee on yourself and you're off for your date! Don't be surprised, it's scientifically proven. If you doubt so, then the next best thing is your perspiration. This has something got to do with hormones...I should think...if not, then don't think of experimenting. That's all, GOD BLESS!
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Fun Fact 1 from Brainiac
Posted by
9:53:00 pm
Labels: Brainiac
Monday, 28 May 2007
On Friday night, I vomited a number of times and had diarrhoea constantly in the middle of the night. Before that, I went to see a doctor, I could guess what he was going to say. Stomach flu was the cause of it. At the end of it, he charged my Dad $38 only. On a late Friday night, with a jab, consultation and some medicine? My Mom had the impression that the doctor thought that we were poor. The reason why? My Dad simply wore an old T-shirt and a pair of trousers without combing much of his hair. I also happen to tell the doctor that I've been eating Korean instant noodles for lunch for 3 days when he suspected that I've got food poisoning. Today, I'm a lot better, thanks to my dear parents who were like servants to me. I really felt sorry and helpless when I see them rushing over me, trying to make me feel better. There was once when my Dad had to clean up the vomit that I threw up in their bedroom. I really had no appetite and whenever I saw my siblings eating something so good (eg. Junk food) I moaned. The doctor specified that I shouldn't take dairy products and fried food. As to replace all the salt that I've lost through perspiration, I had to take H20, the soft drink. I thought he meant other things. My Dad also bought a drink with orange flavour similar to this and it was salty, sweet and bitter at the same time. Simply horrible, it tasted like cod liver oil with orange flavour. But I couldn't even finish my homework and discuss work with my dear friends. By the way, after vomiting and having diarrhoea plenty of times, and losing my appetite, I lost 3kg. Now, whenever I think of the Korean noodles, I feel like vomiting. I just pray that my Mom will recover speedily and everything will be better from now onwards. One last thing, PRAISE THE LORD for my recovery from stomach flu!
Posted by
10:43:00 am
Friday, 25 May 2007
Coming up...
I will be posting "Brainiac" and ''Planet Earth'' posts but not now as I'm simply too busy. See ya all later!
Posted by
11:54:00 am
Labels: Brainiac, Planet Earth
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
It's turning around...
Unbelievable I say! I changed my password, my Blog's title and my web address and the bad commenter couldn't find me again! Besides, more people have seen my blog! When I called the suspect(She was the one whom I talked of in the ''Free" post) and she declared that she wasn't the one! I finally knew who it was and realised that there was a misunderstanding! My, my, I wasn't talking about her and she just ranted off like that. Now the question is, how on earth did she find out my Blog? I wished I could clear up the mess and forget all the hurt she slashed at me. But now, I just can't help praising the LORD and being so tickled by the misunderstanding. I was worried that my Blog's reputation will turn bad. I am so thankful, life really is full of ups and downs but the last one will always be up! So there and God Bless!
Posted by
8:24:00 am
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Still,Life goes on...
Alas, a classmate of mine came over to my Blog and commented really badly. Say, my sister did warn me to delete the 'Immature' and 'Free' posts on Sunday. I, on the other hand, did not. This is partly an experiment of how fast my the other classmate told my Blog's address. Hmmm...3 days. As I've said, on the average, some people do use 'colourful' words to rebuke back the opponent without thinking thrice at least. Refer to the 'Be like Ugly Betty' post(that's if you need anger management).
To my classmate,
I do not want to be involved in any of these. I am not angry, just a bit amused. Everyone needs forgiveness and I think that you should patch up with her if not, ignore her but do not rebuke or whatever.
Think positive my friends!
Posted by
10:42:00 am
Friday, 18 May 2007
These days I've been having a few friendship problems. There was confusion and misunderstandings, perhaps even jealousy. But of course, they have been solved, they are forgiven and forgotten(hopefully this is so). Now, I've been hearing gossips among the girls about a classmate of mine. This time, I make sure that I am not involved in any of these 'cold shoulders' or anything else like siding. But I will definitely be just. Sometimes I just think that a woman's heart is the most evil and cruel when she's not in a good mood. I don't know if they(the girls) ever thought of being in that classmate's shoes. Why?! Don't they ever concentrate on their studies. Even worse, if they are Christians, why not forgive and forget? Hey, to those out there reading this, don't mind me much as I'm ranting. So as I end off, I really wish that they will change their minds of perspectives and think CAREFULLY. I hope to be free from all these and think of my future instead. Be positive! GOD BLESS!
Posted by
6:43:00 pm
Monday, 14 May 2007
A few days ago, I wanted to join the youth net group(which was in my home and my sister was hosting the group) for church. My sister was reluctant to let me in as she thought I was going to be silly or slip some inappropriate words with them. My natural reaction was just this:Oh, it's okay, I don't feel like I want to go today. But what went through my mind when I was left alone, was this:She thinks that I'm immature! Was she thinking that I would talk non-stop and gabble out unnecessary and do something stupid?
Goodness, I certainly do not know what she was really thinking and perhaps I shouldn't assume anything for fear she would blame me or what. However, a few days ago, my mom scolded for trying to lending my friend a poncho. She didn't want my friends to depend too much on me. I disagreed though, if they need it and I 've got extra, why can't I help? Some things happened along the way but I shall stop here. I believe my mom was trying to be more smart and she definitely loves me. She wants me to be wiser I should think In any case, I 've patched up with them. As for now, I long to be the real me who uses common sense, be serious and wise, etc. I do not want to let anyone think that I cannot be mature enough. So there and GOD BLESS!
Posted by
6:55:00 pm
Friday, 11 May 2007
'MSN' at 4 pm!
Welcome to my Blog! Thanks for coming and remembering this, KS and C. If you are early,feel free to tour round in my Blog! Comment in here. Oh yes! If you don't see any comments from anybody other than yourself, then you must refresh the page by clicking the Refresh button. I bet lots of people tried this, yet this is my first time doing this 'experiment'. Hope you enjoy reading my Blog though some of the posts may not make sense to you!
Posted by
3:11:00 pm
Thursday, 10 May 2007
God Of Love aka God Of Wrath
As I was passing other blogs, I saw one of a blog's post's sentence at the corner of my eye that stood out. It said,"People always know that God is a God of love but they refuse to remember that God is a God of wrath.". It's true for some of us. However, I think that God is MORE of a God of love than a God of wrath. He's slow to anger and forgives and forget, that's if we ask for forgiveness. At any rate, it's still best to keep GOD smiling and proud of us.
Posted by
5:42:00 pm
Passed. Thankful. Strife to do better.
I am so thankful that I passed every subject! Praise the LORD! I 've got B3 for English, A2 for Math, B4 for Geography, A1 for Home Econs, A1 for Science, B4 for Chinese and A2 for Art. I know that my marks aren't that great but I did my best. During the holidays, I 'll make sure that I will pull up my socks real high! This is to honour my parents and for GOD. Right now I am studying really hard especially for my Chinese and Geography.
Posted by
5:21:00 pm
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Weird feeling...
I simply feel...
sad. there's a hole in my heart.
tired out. empty.
left out. anxious.
confused. distraught. perturbed. fretful.
lonely. overwrought.
uncertain of the future.
Posted by
9:40:00 am
Labels: Just a thought
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Be like Ugly Betty!
Seeing Ugly Betty on the screen really just makes me feel so relaxed and yet excited at the same time. It's rare to watch the show as it's at 10p.m. on Sunday in Singapore and you know what parents say.When I was watching the show, a sudden thought came to my mind. Despite being humiliated and looked down upon, Betty didn't mind a lot(though I say a few times). Now in the real life of ours, how many people will just ignore and smile and consider upon that hit? Some will BUT not all. I dare say sometimes we do fight or talk back as we cannot accept the remark. So I urge everyone to think deeply before reacting so quickly. These few tips will help:
- Why did she/he do that to me?
- What made her/him think like that?
- How can I improve and how can I make up with her/him?
- What should I do?
- Be quick to listen and slow to anger(Christians should know this).
So think positively throughout our lives!
Posted by
5:22:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
Monday, 7 May 2007
How to tell someone likes you
Hey, do you feel that someone likes you? Are you positively sure or it is your imagination? Do you he/she just treat you like a sister/brother or just testing your feelings towards him/her?
If he/she...- seems to be wherever you are or at least near you.
- tease you sometimes and definitely more than other girls/boys.
- talk excitedly to you first in the morning.
- asks weird questions(especially common sense questions)that he/she should know so as to spark a conversation with you.
- looks/stares at you sometimes.
- comment on you every day to your good friends.
- does ALL of the above.
then he/she likes you! However, if you are very sensitive with people around you, it could just be your imagination. And this piece of information could also tell you if you think you like someone.
Warning: This only applies to students not adults, only teenagers do such inmature puppy love(I should think).
Posted by
12:33:00 pm
I was so happy when Home Economics was over that I smiled to myself. The Home economics test was absolutely easy on the go. Unbelievable I say! Now that the holidays are coming I certainly feel so relaxed. There are so many things I want to do...I don't know how to start...I want to...
- buy lots of assorted and exotic beads(I am an avid collector of beads)and make them into fashion accessories.
- make paper beads, they are absolutely exquisite and they are not flimsy at all.
- do homework and revision for all my subjects(it's a must).
- go on a shopping spree on things like stickers, fancy papers, beads, shiny pens and markers, Hillsong CDs and many more.
- go to Sentosa(I heard that it changed a lot),Botanic Gardens, Zoo and Science Centre(especially the souvenir shop).
- buy all my good friends' birthday presents.
- Exercise a lot and really slim down instead of eating.
- Enjoy myself!
Even though I will enjoy myself, I will make sure I do everything right and read GOD's word every day.
Posted by
11:44:00 am
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Feeling bored...are you?
Anyone who passes by, I do hope that you can comment. This can be like online pen pals, kind of nice, huh? Well that's if you are bored and you have lots of freedom.
Posted by
8:25:00 pm
I 've got a 'clean' blog
I realised that whenever I visit other blogs by clicking the 'next blog' out of curiosity, I'd see a lot of diferent things. Some of them contain happiness and happenings of their daily lives(yeah yeah and so on)which is really great though one of them moans about her boyfriend (and I cheered her up even though she does n't know me at all). However, I was totally disgusted by a few blogs that I felt like flaging them. Some of them showed nude pictures of themselves and some wrote plenty of 'colourful' words. I mean, don't they have any modesty or consciences? What's up with them? It's so darn stupid.Well of course it's so common for these sort of things to happen, I can't stop them. I thank GOD that I am not that crazy as to post something obscene or whatsoever. My blog's totally clean!
Posted by
7:33:00 pm
Feeling Inspired...
Have you felt inspired by someone or something? Do you feel as if you need to change some of your habits and start anew so that people around you will see that you are so different and unique? I feel that sometimes but then again, feeling lazy, I would give up and I would carry on with my life. Do you know that if you listen to music that you like, read or hear a touching story or watch an inspirational movie, you will tend to reflect back on your life more. Ideas will spring out of your head and you will feel determined. So, if you want to stick to whatever idea you have, make sure that idea of yours is a practical one before you give up on that.
Posted by
6:08:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
Friday, 4 May 2007
Life's just so beautiful...
I just am so thankful to GOD that I got good grades for all my subjects overall. Sometimes I really felt like giving up and just get tuition for my Chinese and Geography. However, I had FAITH in GOD that revising on my own was good enough. I can't stand tuition unless I really need it. My grades were low mostly because I didn't know how to apply my knowledge and I was especially careless. My geography teacher, a middle-age man, was extremely stingy with the marks. Well, the world can't help it, anyway I did my best for everything. For my mid-year exam, I was glad that the English paper was quite easy on the whole. The Geography paper was a bit tough but I pulled through. The Chinese paper was relatively easy for the first part which was writing 2 compositions but the worse of all, I did not really complete the second part which was the comprehension. I expected the comprehension to be easier...oh well. The Math paper was extremely easy and smooth sailing except for a hitch or two. The Science paper was like 'ok ok you know except that 2-3 marks are gone'. Now I just hope that I will get all A1s and that my Home Economics paper is super easy. Life's so good no matter what happens.Praise the LORD man!!!
Posted by
12:55:00 pm