Some people believe that Christmas is all merry and all that with great food, great parties and great presents (and not forgetting love) going around; a season of giving. It's good to hear that, but the real reason why we celebrate Christmas is that Christ Jesus was born 2000 years back. Not that he was born exactly on this date- 25th Dec, but GOD gave Him to us as a gift, a way for us sinners to go back to the Father. Jesus was sent down here like any other human, He was born into a poor family, not a King. He paid for our sins by sacrificing His life, His flesh and blood, so that we can be with our heavenly Father. This is and always is the Greatest present I've ever accepted in my life! To me, a Blessed Christmas is better than a Merry Christmas. As people say, Christmas is a season for giving, so should we only give when it's Christmas? I think that we should think Christmas every day with a giving spirit! There's no need to give presents, but to lend yourself as a helping hand, a listening ear, an encouragement and some time every day to one who needs it, wouldn't one feel loved and blessed?
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Sunday, 21 December 2008
What do we live for?
Ever since my last post, I had been slacking. I really should not for I had many GREAT messages from GOD but after a while, I got addicted to virtual games which are pretty meaningless even if you are playing with your friends and "hanging out" with them on the Internet. I've been crazy in Facebook- Pet Society. After all, I still a teenager and a foolish one. One must care for the pet, earn money through games and gain levels with new entitlements and trophies to keep. If a friend is at a higher level, one may urge himself to go higher; to at least be on par. It probably is like a competition to some. There will be new rooms as one levels up, for one to buy things like furniture to decorate with the money he has. There is even a cafe for one to go to and "meet up" with strangers all over the world. There is a stadium for people to race and bet on one's friends. But in all of these, one can find it lame and boring eventually. One is just clicking here and there, the game's not real in life, it has little meaning in life, it's wasting one's time actually. No matter how good you are at a virtual game, it can never help you much in your real life. Sure, virtual games can keep one's eyesight and mind trained somehow. But on the whole, if you overdo it, your health's ruined bit by bit. There are always consequences in whatever you do. Perhaps playing virtual games is a pleasure to us young people, but seriously, think about this:
Other than living for pleasure, what else do we live for?
Do something that you really want to do and move about for! Be it shopping not only for yourself for USEFUL stuff, helping your neighbour out, or even touring the world, 'cept that the economy's poor now. And don't just work or study for nothing, don't just work or study for rewards, good results so as to get a good job in future, and bonuses! We ought to work and study what we want, giving others the best in their lives. But of course, one is rewarded good and bad. To me, I pray to go out to the world and bring the gospel to them for the end of the world is very near. I also want to bring my unsaved friends to church and pray that they will open their hearts and accept GOD as their Saviour. And as slow as they take with all their lame excuses and what not, I WILL BRING THEM SALVATION, meaning that I believe GOD WILL DO GREATER THINGS IN ME AND OTHERS THAN HE HAD BACK THEN. This is my biggest and most important purpose in life. I probably sound crazy to prebelievers, like I'm acting so, very weird and very blind. But I know my GOD is greater than what I ever imagined Him to be. There's so much in GOD and I want to be with Him forever, even though I've got so much sin on me and I slip so many times...
So people, what's your definition of having a meaningful life?
Posted by
6:32:00 pm
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Just Declaring.
If someone wants to kill or harm me, I pray to say this with all my heart:
"From the deepest bottom of my heart, even if you are able to do worse things than I expect to me, also to make my loved ones suffer, I know that GOD truly loves you more than you know of. He loves you so much that he sacrificed His only son Jesus so as to make a way for you to go back to Him."
In any case, no other gods are like my GOD.
Posted by
8:59:00 pm
Pay It Forward
Also from my other Blog:
There's this old film, Pay It Forward. You've heard? It's really something, way different from films which have little meaning. I will watch This type of film rather than to watch Harry Potter films and so on. It's a beautiful film. Bittersweet. But I dare say that if Trevor had loved his enemy, I know it's hard, but if he had done them a favor full of grace, mercy and compassion, things can change. Perhaps, even if he couldn't, get help from an adult, from someone who could help. If there wasn't anyone, you say? Shout! Say "Fight me if you want!"? Hmmm, don't know about that. But you must ask them something which can hit them in the heart. You know what I mean? There is always a reason somehow. Like why the bully did it. Do you really think it's for pure fun? Do you know what could have impacted him? Problems? What problems? In every person, there's a conscience, there's a heart, a soul, a mind. I feel sad for the bully the most. People can honour and love the dead Trevor. It's so much easier loving him, no? Well, I know that God will most probably deal with him in a very pleasant way, He will reward him good and bad too. So he's done and gone. But what about the bully? Have you ever thought that there can be another life story forming not to be left out? In fact, we have unique life stories, different from one another. What we do in our own life stories affect other people's life stories. People change. The bully can change too. Who are we to judge and criticize him? Aren't we all the same? Instead, guide him with love, mercy, grace and compassion. We ought to give endless chances to one another just as God has to us. Sorry if I sound idealistic and weird and religious. But in the name of Jesus, we need to also learn to love our enemies. It can be hard but when you really do it for real, you just get something out of the ordinary, the feeling is overpowering no matter how slow the progress is.Right, the main point of the film is that you are to make an impact on at least 3 people, and tell the 3 to do the same to another 3 and so on. This is a movement, started by a mere boy. From a Social Studies project, he wanted to make a difference in the world of today. He wanted to do unexpected favors for just at least 3 people, not wanting them to return the favor to him but to PAY IT FORWARD to others with the same mind. One can Pay It Forward to loved ones, but more importantly, to strangers and even enemies who really need an impact in their lives. Some may not be able to follow it, as easy as it seems for they may be shy. But surely, as time passes and the atmosphere changes, the hot potato, even when turned cold, can be reheated and passed on. This movement no doubt changes lives, lives which you have not even met, and yet you have had an indirect impact on others. One flap of a butterfly's wings in South America can cause a typhoon in China. The end of the film is bittersweet. The boy who started the movement was unfortunately killed. Nonetheless, the world and his wife came to hear about his influential and impactive movement, paying tributes to him at the end of the film. This Pay It Forward movement continued and has not stopped since. This boy has made a step towards humanity, ebbing away the self-centered attitude of mankind. Bravo!
Think about it. You can do this too. Bless Someone. May all our days be bright! Every day's a blessed day.
Posted by
8:55:00 pm
Do we have rights under GOD really? We do have rights in the world. Gay rights? Yeah. I'm just a person growing up, not a child, nor an adult. What is being really gay? There are many different views on Gay rights. They hurt my head. Christians, you know that in Deuteronomy, the book specifically said everything clearly. Then, scientists think that being gay is found in the genes. Perhaps so, but no! GOD would never allow any complications, would he? If He did, there's a reason. Some people in this world are gay. Why? Is it because of something which affected them somewhere along their road of life? Influence? Or just really pure love? But why? Are any of them a Christian? 'cause if a Christian is one, he/she must learn to change and follow GOD's way. GOD has already planned for us to be as Man and wife. I'm not gay, I don't know what's like to be one. I'm sure gay people do have hardships, denial and perhaps having confusions. Christians too; they want to bring them to the light, to truly see, only to fail. The tables are turning. To whom? Satan- as Christians call him. Even now, I don't know how to even persuade so people will say to me to stop trying, cause I can't. Pagans nowadays get so sick and tired of listening to opposing views on what they believe in, they don't want to absorb what others say. Perhaps you say that I'm also describing myself. Every religion says that it's the best. But I tell you, if you come to oppose me, I shall think deeply about what you say, absorbing every word and meaning. I shall respond in JESUS's name the best I can. Call me a nutcase, but I'll stand strongly in what I believe. Gay activists may say the same. As I write this topic, I ask of people to be open-minded. I know what the consequences can be as I post this. But I do not want to be a pagan. All I know is that gay or not, GOD loves and treasures us all the same and wants us to follow him. He understands more of you than you know yourself even if you don't believe so. As for us Christians, we must never despise the Pagans for we do act like them when we fall. We are imperfect, but GOD created us to be in the image of Him, to be like him. We can be like Him, just follow Him. It can be hard but just do your best. A gay person can change but GOD's word will never change.
Posted by
7:26:00 pm
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Yeah...yep. YES!
Righto. Exams over, slacking and results coming very soon. Sorry to myself that I couldn't revise much on my own, everything's so rushed, I cramped everything, well, more or less, this and that. Geez, I must say that I do pay attention most of the time in classes, doing the best I could, but as of memorising, applying knowledge, doing things faster, being careful and what not, using common sense...yeah. They're bad.
But! I shall thank the Lord for all that I was able to accomplish in His strength, that I could answer more or less of the overall, that I shall just put all my Faith in Him, that he will extend a hand full of grace and mercy to me and the rest of the students worldwide. I hope not to be the top, just know that Ive done what I could and doing the best in them. Even if I failed in doing my best, I pray that I'll do my very best always. I mustn't be let down. Of course, no one wants a hard lesson.
*Sigh*, why was it a must to write all these done? In any case, I shall leave all these to GOD. I mean, we can't be lazy, it's a sin. So just do our best to glorify GOD. All these academic results aren't everlasting and aren't very useful in God's Kingdom, though we need it to survive the world. But this doesn't mean we can relax and slack as though it's not important, it is, sometimes.
There's nothing wrong about getting PhDs and MBAs (use them fully), just know that in whatever you do, do it for the Glory of the Lord for He has blessed us aplenty. He's our Father who created us, who has paid a price to redeem us. Till today, you can say that I have much to thank Him. Um, prebelievers, perhaps you don't think the same, but I'll just leave that to you to think deeper. GOD BLESS YOU PEOPLE!!!
Ps. Holidays coming=more preaching, haha...I really need to tell more, but I'm also human and moreover, a teenage.
Posted by
5:18:00 pm
To judge.
Who are we to judge others' lives? To cut to the point, when one receives news relating to a maid abuser, a thief, a bully, a murderer, etc, how should one respond? Do we hurl harsh words to them, the baddies? Do we pity the victims the most? Or, should we realise that the bully is the ultimate victim, falling into his very own trap which he doesn't know of?
If we just read this, Matthew 7: 1-5.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," when all the time there is a plank in you own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
The weightage of the consequence of lying is equivalent to the weightage of the consequence of murdering. One may think that lying(even to a loved one) does not send himself to a death sentence and he would receive a lighter punishment. He's wrong. The sins we've done, be it one or countless, will all cost us eternal death.
But with God's love and way, we can indeed avoid eternal death; Jesus had paid the price for us. However, our physical existence will be gone; we will still face death, a physical death. By the way, for prebelievers, you may think this is rot, won't blame you, it's overwhelming for me but I've believed and will not be shaken and stay strong in His stronghold. We have done some things which aren't glorifying to God, who are we to judge the rest?
One should ask himself why the bully did it, in what circumstances was the bully brought up in, was he ever shown the right path to learn and live, who really loved him? Did someone pamper him? All these questions tells about the entire situation. Bullies don't have a right frame of mind; they think they are really sober and really know what they are doing. Who on earth will say that they are wrong when they don't know what they have actually stepped into and perhaps feel that they have power? Who would admit and change for the better?
The victims (the bullied) have a right frame of mind, they know how much the bully will suffer in the end (don't they, deep down?). The latter's suffering is much more than theirs'. It's the bully who is suffering and yet doesn't feel the pain till the end. It's like a drug abuser sniffing glue and becomes really high, and when the police investigate him, he's sent to the hospital with a doctor poking a huge needle into him, and yet the drug abuser doesn't feel it, instead, he smiles and laughs, unaware of his future.
It's also sad that sometimes we aren't empathetic towards the bully, not that we should support him, but to bring him to the right path, to show him the way, to carry him up from his fall. And to truly forgive and forget the past. This, I say, is compassion, grace and mercy to the "enemy" (the only enemy is just Satan). In fact, none of us deserve grace and what not. But GOD gave us those, thus we should also show them to others. Know what grace is? Grace is undeserving favor upon one.
Posted by
4:04:00 pm
Monday, 11 August 2008
More to know.
Sheesh! I hope I don't have anymore doubts about the Bible. Like, "Where does the Bible come from? How was it written and by who? And how is it that by different eras and different areas, all the books of the Bible are able to connect?"
The answer is :
GOT IT????
I admit it! I've never felt so reassured knowing all these. I thought that the books of the Bible were being passed down generation to generation; era to era and places to places, thus being copied over and over again down till this day where all the Churches came together because of a vision GOD gave to the leaders of the Churches and compiled all the books together.
So yes! The LORD is miraculous! He withstands time! LOVE HIM ALWAYS!!!!!!! Pre-believers! If you were wondering and doubting, this is the explanation.
Moreover, our GOD is special and different from others! Why!? Because He loved us first! Not us loving Him first! We also just don't obey Him, we LOVE Him first! He seeks us first! Not us praying to Him so that he will listen to us, He has already and has always listened and looked out for us, guiding us, making paths for us, loving us even before the Universe was even created!
As to why we were created, we were to worship Him! His angel, Lucifer, now called Satan, was worshipping Him all the way until he thought that he himself should be worshipped for him great and beautiful music which also exists in our world (you know Satanic music? yeah.). So GOD felt lonely and created us to share His goodness, not only to worship Him. Well, we were created by GOD and thus of course worship Him naturally, it's not some kind of a slavery thing to do. BUT! We were lost to Satan and yet to get us back to His side, he had to purchase us by sacrificing His begotten Son, Jesus Christ as a price.
SO YEAH! If there's any pre-believers who still have doubts, questions and wants to rebut me about Christianity, DO LET ME KNOW!!!
Posted by
7:02:00 pm
Sunday, 13 July 2008
There are.
There are times when we want to say somethings out loud, to confess, haha I've got plenty which I still won't tell to anyone 'cept GOD. Well, He knows it before I confess, so I don't confess my thoughts. Only admit them. Admit and confess are two different things.
It's something to which one hopes it would be certain before telling out it's thoughts. Days will always pass on, and yes, it's silly to say remind others that the days pass by quickly or slowly. Time always goes on, no matter whether you want it to slow down or fasten up.
Some take their time to speak up. So what can one do to speed things up? What I really want to say is that, SOME THINGS HAVE TO BE BELIEVED SO THAT THEY CAN BE SEEN. I've said this over and over again I believe. Learnt that from the author of Many Waters. Don't really bother to remember the spelling of her name. I guess in whatever you want, you wait for GOD's signal.
Posted by
4:44:00 pm
Labels: Just randomness
Friday, 11 July 2008
I've always.
I've always been thinking, don't get it wrong, other than sleeping. Even when I drift off to sleep. GOD's really marvelous. How should I put it? I think of the really weird stuff, how things would be like whenever I could have changed directions from a turning point or crossroad. There were and will always be times when I wished I said something better to others when having conversations. Of how I could say so much more things but I don't know why I restrained them sometimes; what I wanted to say turned out a different way. Like how you want to apologise to someone and then you think (you cannot stop) of how you're going to say it, probably in the most touching and sincere way (sometimes dramatic too). Funny how it can turn out when you suddenly lose your presumed say and sputter only phrases.
There will always be many possibilities and many turns. However, we create unchangeable life stories on the spot to which there will be consequences. Action, reaction. It's indeed good to daydream sometimes (would want to say at an appropriate timing?), letting your mind wander off and find a tinge of inspiration. Every day is neither a lucky nor an unlucky day. Every day is a blessed day to which has plenty of chances and possibilities. Opportunities come! Oh, and we will do our very BEST in whatever we do which is GOD's way too! SO THERE!
Posted by
11:00:00 pm
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Dedications to my dear friends!
I know, I know. This Blog shouldn't be too personal, BUT! This is a testimony of mine about my Sec 2 friendship life and I want to declare it! Partly because my dear friends had both written dedications to me and the other. And Cheryl Yeo! I won't forget you, though I must admit I've been so lazy as to take out a pen and write letters or even email you. Sorry if you are reading this man (I'll make one for you one day, a really special one, won't forget this promise I make)! LOVE YOU GALS ALWAYS! Right, let's start!
Firstly, Alicia Tan!
Man! You weren't my type of friend
I wanted to hang out with in Primary School.
We were of 2 different worlds!
But let's not talk of the silly past
as no one's perfect!
Dude! I don't know!
But when I was in Sec 1 and
we were in different classed then,
you changed because of GOOD Priscilla Lim!
Love her for changing your ways!
LOVE you for what and who you really are!
Even though you can be clumsy and
such a health and clean dear old freak!
I love a friend who's like that you know!
It makes me think twice of whether to eat
rice which dropped on the table!
Tee hee! You just make me learn how to be
CHILDISH and RELAXED at times!
I never imagined I would
actually talk babyish in front of you gals
and be crazy and lame and full of laughter!
You are my MISS CURIOUS!!!
And Miss blur too!
Whenever you have a book in
your hands,
I always wonder how long you'll take to finish it!
HAHA! But I know and believe that you always take the
time to read such good books!
And lady!
Don't keep changing your
Blog add. 'k?
Got to relink you time and time again!
Funny you!
Will always love your Blog though!
Sorry whenever I make a fuss
out of something small and
you got to pacify me
as though I'm a baby!
You are one miracle girl!
Secondly, KATELYN!!!
My dear Kit-kat!
A dear friend whom I first talked to in Sec 1!
Someone whom I barely know!
Actually became my funny and dearest friend!
I know that I've been crazy sometimes,
upsetting you,
makin' you cry such that
you won't talk to me...
BUT! You will always return to normal
just as a kettle would cool down somehow!
I know that you know you have been
a temperamental and sensitive child
AND YET! I can SEE that
you have changed!
You know what!
Although there are times when we argue over silly stuff,
I'm sincerely sorry
for what I've done
be it my fault or yours
or even both
even though I've done them over and over
last time and even now...
Every time I see both of you gals in Choir,
I know I will survive even though I'm
in Alto and you in Sops!
I feel sad sometimes that you gals
aren't with me during sectionals.
HAHA! Whenever I'm stuck
in my work
You Katelyn, the smarty-pants,
will help me!
How FUNNY and RIDICULOUS (yet make sense)
you can be at times when
I ought to relax and
take things easy!
You'll tell me that!
All of us can be childish people at times
when it's okay!
And of course
when you glare
I feel scared, haha!
Don't know if you mean it sometimes
but things always return to norm.
Thanks for always CHEERING ME UP!
Posted by
9:56:00 pm
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Do I sound strange?
Just wondering- A short testimony.
Different from what I thought about things last year... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... yeah ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ever since the Encounter... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... guess what?! I paid my tithes 'cause it's actually a sin not to... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I got pocket money right? That's considered as my pay... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... been thinking about it ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... my life has been so much better! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I don't know why ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... but it gets better and better every moment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... of my life!
Posted by
11:16:00 pm
Let's see...
I wonder if anyone can give me answers to these questions I'm asking:
- What happened to those people who died before Jesus came down to Earth and became our bridge to Heaven?
- What about babies which didn't survive?
- Who created GOD? Can he just be there already as the Bible said that He is the Alpha and the Omega? I guess it's just that simple. Trust Him anyways.
- If we are eternally with GOD in Heaven, then will we ever get bored as time goes on and on? Will there be a cycle, something like a reincarnation? No, there won't 'cause the Bible says so. I pray that GOD will give us the unexpected.
- Why did GOD create us? How can one say that He loves us so he created us? How can one love something before creating it? Perhaps the idea of creating one. I must have heard wrongly or the person must've interpreted wrongly. Anyway, all I need to know is that He loves us above all. He's the only one you can totally rely on and be proud to show off!
- Outside this space, outside this galaxy and outside this universe, what else has GOD created?
- Does GOD actually know the future? NO, I guess not. Fate does not exist in Him. We are the ones making the future. We cannot see the future, only predict it. What's past is past. The present becomes the past too, so does the future. If future was possible, there should be visitors from the future. Then some reasons could be that we can't see and touch them or even hear them.
- Should there be real ghosts? NO, there are only Satan's followers and himself deceiving us. Those who claim to see ghosts are mistaken. We don't linger on Earth, we either go up to Heaven or down to Hell eternally.
- In whatever we do, sins or not, there will always be consequences to follow only in the one life we have now. There is no hell for us after death for a short while.
- There are no big sins nor small sins. A person lying is as sinful as a person murdering another. So why give death sentences? Then, will the consequences be the same for all our sins?
- Will there be a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW WORLD when this present world ends?
- Can Satan ever change and return to GOD? Can everyone eventually return to GOD? Or is the word "Satan" just a word for the absence of GOD's love? Or is Satan actually one person? Isn't it sad that Satan can't return to GOD? This is also one proof that GOD allows you to control your own life. He only loves you, provides for you and guides you.
In concl.
In all these questions I ask everyone who reads this post, I still and will always believe in GOD no matter what happens soon. Put all our trust in GOD and follow his flow. There are times when we have to believe to be able to see.
Posted by
10:30:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought, Our FAITH brings deliverance to many
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Spreading this:
Science and God. An interesting article
'Science and God'
Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ. The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.
'You're a Christian, aren't you, son?'
'Yes sir,' the student says.
'So you believe in God?'
'Is God good?'
'Sure! God's good.'
'Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?'
'Are you good or evil?'
'The Bible says I'm evil.'
The professor grins knowingly.
'Aha! The Bible!' He considers for a moment. 'Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?'
'Yes sir, I would.'
'So you're good...!'
'I wouldn't say that.'
'But why not say that? You'd help a sick and maimed person if you could. Most of us would if we could. But God doesn't.'
The student does not answer, so the professor continues. 'He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer, even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?' The student remains silent. 'No, you can't, can you?' the professor says. He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.
'Let's start again, young fella Is God good?'
'Er...yes,' the student says.
'Is Satan good?'
The student doesn't hesitate on this one. 'No.'
'Then where does Satan come from?'
The student : 'From...God...'
'That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? Tell me, son. Is there evil in this world?'
'Yes, sir.'
'Evil's everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything,correct?'
'So who created evil?' The professor continued, 'If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according tothe principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil.'
Without allowing the student to answer, the professor continues:'Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things, do they exist in this world?'
The student: 'Yes.'
'So who created them?'
The student does not answer again, so the professor repeats his question. 'Who created them?'
There is still no answer. Suddenly the lecturer breaks away to pace in front of the classroom. The class is mesmerized.
'Tell me,' he continues onto another student.
'Do you believe inJesus Christ, son?'
The student's voice is confident: 'Yes, professor, I do.'
The old man stops pacing. 'Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?'
'No sir. I've never seen Him'
'Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?'
'No, sir, I have not.'
'Have you ever actually felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus? Have you ever had any sensory perception of JesusChrist, or God for that matter?'
'No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't.'
'Yet you still believe in him?'
'According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?'
'Nothing,' the student replies. 'I only have my faith.'
'Yes, faith,' the professor repeats. 'And that is the problem science has with God. There is no evidence, only faith.'
The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of his own. 'Professor, is there such thing as heat?'
'Yes,' the professor replies. 'There's heat.'
'And is there such a thing as cold?'
'Yes, son, there's cold too.'
'No sir, there isn't.'
The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested. The room suddenly becomes very quiet. The student begins to explain. 'You can have lots of heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat, unlimited heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat, but we don't have anything called 'cold'. We can hit up to 458 degrees belowzero, which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold; otherwise we would be able to go colder than the lowest -458 degrees. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-458 F) is the total absence of heat.You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.'
Silence across the room. A pen drops somewhere in the classroom, sounding like a hammer.
'What about darkness, professor. Is there such a thing as darkness?'
'Yes,' the professor replies without hesitation. 'What is night if it isn't darkness?'
'You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not something; it is theabsence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light, but if you have no light constantly you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word. In reality, darkness isn't. If it were, you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?'
The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him.This will be a good semester. 'So what point are you making, young man?'
'Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed.'
The professor's face cannot hide his surprise this time.'Flawed? Can you explain how?'
'You are working on the premise of duality,' the student explains. 'You argue that there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it. Now tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?'
'If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes, of course I do'
'Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?'
The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as here realizes where the argument is going. A very good semester, indeed.
'Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but apreacher?' The class is in uproar. The student remains silent until the Commotion has subsided. 'To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, let me give you an example of what I mean.' The student looks around the room. 'Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's brain?' The class breaks out into laughter. 'Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt the professor's brain, touched or smelled the professor's brain? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, with all due respect, sir. So if science says you have no brain, how can we trust your lectures, sir?'
Now the room is silent. The professor just stares at the student, his face unreadable. Finally, after what seems an eternity, the old man answers. 'I guess you'll have to take them on faith.'
'Now, you accept that there is faith, and, in fact, faith exists with life,' the student continues. 'Now, sir, is there such a thing as evil?'
Now uncertain, the professor responds, 'Of course, there is. We see it everyday. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil. ' To this the student replied, 'Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.' The professor sat down. Pass this on if you have faith in God. If not, still pass it on for it's a good story!-- I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. - C. S. Lewis
Posted by
10:20:00 pm
Our Hearts.
People like to say that once our hearts are broken by something, it can be bandaged but there will always be the scar to prove that the matter hasn't been entirely forgotten. Just like splintered wood, just like torn paper, just like broken glass, just like time cannot be rewind. BUT I say! Hack care about all these things! Our hearts aren't splintered wood, not even torn paper or broken glass! Haven't you heard of recycled paper? Don't you also know that broken glass can be melted back to a liquid and moulded into another piece of glass? We, however are not supposed to think that we are like any other Earth materials. We are souls encased in bodies, souls which follow GOD. So trust GOD to make you reborned! Like water and Holy batisms! Remeber that the LORD forgets your sinful deeds; He doesn't keep records of them, He loves you. Your so called enemies who are people weren't born to annoy you in the first place. It doesn't matter who started the hate game first. Loving and accepting them is way easier in the end, though they may turn you down. You may lose your face...heh.
Posted by
9:59:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
A Tad Bit Too Personal.
If anyone passes this Blog, one can notice how much I've changed (or rather, I see the change), I used to write more about my personal life in here when I first started out. Didn't realise how late I've been in the ways of technology if you know what I mean deeply, but that's another story. Reading my past posts makes me feel queasy as I've been less mature back then. I felt like deleting them. I decided not to, so whenever I look back I'll know how much I've progressed or even regressed.
I must still say I'm not yet as wise as I want to be. Life have trial and errors; people fall to pick up themselves. And yes, I'm only a few light years, I have a long road ahead. I realise people think differently and yet similarly from me. What I think about and do is not understandable to the rest and yet they accept me. Vice Versa.
We are all equally different and special and yet the same. We are all human beings, created by GOD, we have feelings, we have life stories to tell, we have consciences which cannot be taken over entirely, it will be returned eventually. We control our lives and minds, others can fill you with fear and threats, they could perhaps physically control you but not for long even if you die. We are the ones making the decisions on how we lead our lives.
Even if people that you aren't a leader or any sort of community or group, you should know and remember that you're a leader of your lives, otherwise, why would people say that you lead your life? Your life is the most important responsibility you have. If you don't be a leader of your life, how can you even be a leader for something else? There is no such thing as FATE. There is only our DESTINIES to which we can choose and lead.
Posted by
9:27:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
Just confirming myself, taking away misunderstandings.
Things to confirm...I guess this is personal opinion...not very much related to GOD's word.
1st point!
People are not what they really seem to be when you go near them even if you see their attitudes from the way they interact with you. So, geeks! Goody-goody-two-shoes! Don't think that "those popular people" are bimbos, and etc...
In fact people change! Yeah! I have a friend who used to hang out in the wrong crowd such that she broke school rules and so on. LOVE her always! She's so special and different from what she used to be. I never want to blame her then friends nor she herself! They are all people! Whatever their thoughts were back then are definitely different from mine, I don't understand why they would want to do some things that I won't do BUT you can't blame them! We teenagers are young! This is the stage where we make mistakes (and yes! They are truly mistakes) and learn from them! Even if we repeat them!
And seeing other schoolmates' Blogs, they don't write bad stuff, or they try not to. Oh boy! Can't wait to catch someone doing such a bad thing...uh huh! Just don't comment, if not, you are adding salt to the wounds...can you imagine how cruel it is to write something bad even if it's true about the person? Accept them for who they are naturally! People commit suicide because of misunderstanding! So if people better think more than 4 times whether they should add anything or not. Let's think and act in GOD's way people!
You know, some Bloggers like to say that they are a Child Of God in their profile, and in their posts, they say things which aren't reflecting their "Child Of GOD" description. They probably think it's nice to add that phrase...ironic huh? Pray that they will be one, one day! On the brighter side, some Bloggers are really Children Of GOD!!! Not saying myself by the way, I don't write that I'm a "Child Of GOD".
2nd point!
We should not only live our lives at the fullest but also overflowingly. We don't just get a good education, a good job, a good salary, a good family, good health, peace and happiness do we?! This way, everything would be so boring, after accomplishing your goals, what else do you want to do? Something else? You will probably want to resign or retire and watch your family grow up and bigger? Go out shopping, eating, reading, surfing the 'net, doing hobbies and picking new ones, Blogging, travelling? It's even worse for those without kin. I realised that the best jobs or work or whatever you call it are these:
- Teachers! Because of teachers, we have presidents, because of teachers, we have doctors, because of teachers, we even have criminals...not a good thought but, it's the teachers who bring us into the adult world so that we can decide, be it on their influences or not, for ourselves on what we want. Teachers are also humans, some teach rather poorly and ought to learn from other teachers, perhaps, their teachers were poor in teaching them, thus they have become what their teachers were like. Teachers are like tides and students are like boats, the former can push the latter forward or backward.
- Doctors! Basically they save lives.
- One thing better than doctors are Biomedical scientists! They find the cures and make the medcine dude! People should thank these scientists too but they are often forgotten...prove me wrong then!
- Missionaries and Pastors!!! This is one of the most fulfiling jobs on the Earth! GOD works through them and miracles happen every moment! Being one, you get to see miracles happening and lives touched by GOD's love and words. Whether you stay in China, Africa or even Vienna, there are people everywhere who needs Jesus and wants Him in their lives! This is truly one good example of living your life, changing the atmosphere in others' lives! Got it?!
3rd point!
Don't think that after live there is only Heaven, I personally believe that GOD gives us a better and a very unexpected yet simple surprise! Even with I what I teach myself about expecting the unexpected, I can only expect GOD to give me a way better future, especially when the World is going to end soon, very soon such that I may not even have the chance to get hitched and have a family. I don't think I'll even be able to graduate! Teehee!
So some may ask this, "Then why should we bother to aim for our goals such as getting the top for so-and-so when the World is going to end soon anyway?". I shall gladly respond that you don't ever aim for the TOP, you just do your very BEST in everything that's right and pleasing in GOD's eyes and for yourself too.
Listen good! Even if you know the world ends tomorrow and you're having a mini spelling test today, you still do your very BEST and give all glory, honours and praise filled with lots of love to GOD! This is for all He has done in your life, carrying you through your burdens though some of us may forget sometimes.
And people! Although I'm talking in general, I'm serious here. In all that I think and believe may not be right or pleasing to your minds so pardon me.
Posted by
4:59:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Huh. Some crazy and lame things I've always wanted to do.
I've always wanted to write these things down...Things which I hope not to give away before it begins. Right, here goes! I feel so hyper, it's random by the way, it's not all the time.
- Be really crazy when I get to have a sleepover with my friends. Say, like pouring honey on them and make lots of noise so they can't sleep. And being really messy, letting down my hair, looking like a witch. And also singing really badly like some broken recorder. Just don't go too far. Wait, I'll just wake them up with my hair let down covering my face at 2am (and yes, I'm a female).
- HA! This is a good one. Smash a piece of cake onto my future husband's face! Hope to escape before he does it back! Well, that's if I get married.
- Stomping my foot really hard and arguing with my colleagues that the correct way to burn a CD would be to put a lighter under it.
- Pretending that I'm going to somewhere and appear back home saying I forgot something. This would make others in a frenzy. Provided I'm a good actress.
- Giving water on the dish for my family's breakfast. Water's healthy you know.
- Taking away the batteries from the TV remote controller before letting my siblings take it to watch TV. I did that before, don't ask, I failed.
- Saying that I accidentally left a metal spoon in the microwave to my family. Never want to do that though, so don't do it you guys.
- Here's one thing,
Posted by
8:07:00 pm
Should one aspire to be a genius or a child prodigy? I used to want to be a genius or some rare talent waiting to be discovered. Someone who could just think up of inspirational ideas and change the world. So that people could look at me in a different light. Whatever my thoughts were back then, I don't want to be a genius anymore.
Everyone is something more than a genius. Even if the person's mentally ill or has a very low IQ. Even a genius is more than just a genius. Even a clone cannot do what the original does. We lead our lives differently, playing our parts in the world. Our minds cannot be controlled by another thing unless we allow it to. Our memories and experiences cannot be fully understood by another. No one can take them away. You are your own self.
Sure, having a good IQ is wonderful, so apply your knowledge in your life. But having a good EQ is so much better! We need both of them somehow but do we really? You can still strive to do the best you can and end up being a genius! Just don't eat too much raw meat and listen to too much Bartok music. One got to be natural too! Too much nurturing into a genius can tear your soul. You do know that most people are nurtured into becoming geniuses.
To me, no one can be better than the other, no one can even be fully compared to the other. To me, there shouldn't be anything ugly or beautiful. The world changes throughout. Fat people can be considered beautiful in one country and skinny people can be considered ugly. Scars can be considered fashionable in the future. Factors do change. We look different from one another. We got both abilities and disabilities. A genius can learn from an ordinary person. We are perfectly imperfect. We are all extraordinary beings, even a simpleton too. You can never know what you can do well in till you believe that you are more than a genius.
Posted by
5:31:00 pm
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Just A Thought.
All our young childishness and perhaps even foolishness is nothing compared to the adult living world. And yet, all must face reality. One must know that there is something out there and it's GOD who will bring us out of this beautiful yet cruel world. True, the world is wonderful and all that, but all is dust when it all ends. GOD is waiting; we are waiting for something different, something out of this universe, where we will be astounded by His planning. One cannot expect the unexpected. Just a thought.
Posted by
3:42:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Signs of the End of the Age
The last of the last days are here.
- Matt 24
- The gospel of GOD shall be preached and spread through us to all the Nations out there as the world is coming to an end. The reason why we are alive in GOD and vice versa, and that we are still physically alive is because we need every single person on earth to praise him, to love him eternally before the world eventually ends, not just so we Christians could sit back and enjoy what GOD has promised us.
- Do not ever give up just because we couldn't see any progress or harvest or that we have been let down. You will reach your purpose! God's got you, every single one of us, to go out to every corner of the world, stepping out in FAITH, to spread the word of GOD no matter how many times you have been let down.
- Let's all have a vision for the world! Bring Christ back! Get your priorities right in GOD's way! GOD will BLESS you!
- Above all else, guard your heart! Do not be deluded, keep away from temptations, keep your heart pure! Only be guided by the Lord and not by your friends and the world! Live in GOD! Don't be distracted!
- Release your imagination! Think widely. Exercise more of your right brain (that's where all your imagination comes from). GOD wants us to be more creative, more daring and courageous! Let us be non-restricted!
- JESUS is coming soon! Very soon!
Time is running out! Amen!
Posted by
9:51:00 pm
Our FAITH brings deliverance to many!
Okay, just another short message to spread across the world.
- 1 Samuel 23: 1-5
We do have our own needs to overcome, BUT GOD will deliver you as you deliver through him. Look beyond your needs. There was an overwhelming need, David (before he became King) and the rest of his men had their personal needs, BUT, there was a word from GOD. David, although he and his men were running away from King Saul, had to fight a battle for Keilah, an ally of King Saul, and they won beating the Philistines. So then again, let's take up and stand up! Arise and GO now! GOD will deliver your "enemies" into your hands. If your hands do not obey GOD and are missing , how can yoube delivered? How can GOD deliver miracles into our hands if we do not step out into FAITH? You can't expect something new or some kind of a miracle if you don't move up. Nothing's going to change if youu don't change. David and the rest of his men were BLESSED by GOD for stepping out in FAITH. Psalms 31: 8. GOD enabled protection for them. So once again! Step out in FAITH and deliver others needs through GOD!
Posted by
9:22:00 pm
Yeah, this topic again, people may say. As it always says, Love keeps no records of Wrongs.
How 'bout starting with these:
- 1 Cor 13; 1 Cor 13:5.
- Matt 22: 37-40
- Psalm 1: 30
- 3 John 2
- Understanding about offences and conflicts.
All these divides us. They are the friction of life; traps; stumbling blocks. It's impossible not to have them! BUT we can prepare ourselves to expect the unexpected. Traps are hidden; disguised such that we get it, duh! And when we get trapped, it's often very hard to be released.
- Forgiveness is something beautiful until we are affected by it, until we need to forgive someone and let go.
- Forgiveness is something to let go of, it's letting go of our resentments, our grudges, our desires to get even.
5. Proverbs 14: 10
- You may say that nobody can really understand another easily, true. But GOD knows your thoughts and feelings. No one under the same circumstances can ever experience the same thing.
6. Matt 18: 21-25
- Understanding the power of forgivenes.
There can be no records of wrongs to be kept or remembered. Forgiveness begins with understanding how merciful and forgiving GOD has been to you!
7. Isaiah 43: 25
8. 1 John 1: 9
- Forgiving others is easy as we compare the debts.
9. Psalms 103: 2-3
- The one who truly understands forgiveness is the one who practices it.
10. Matt 18: 31-35
- Forgiveness is granted because of the terrible consequences of not forgiving.
11. Unforgiveness can lead to...
- Mark 11: 15---- Spiritual problems. GOD has always forgiven you so why can't you?
- Emotional problems. You will start to breakdown, trying to keep all the records of the wrongdoings of others. It will distort your emotions.
- The only antidote towards sorrow and hurts is forgiveness.
- Sickness and diseases. GOD takes away all our sickness and diseases when we release our forgiveness towards others. GOD tries to draw us near by "adding" the former.
- Hebrews 12: 15---- Broken relationships. GOD heals our relationships when we ask for forgiveness and vice versa. Proverbs 24: 29. Powerful miracles will happen! GOD releases these into our lives! Col 3: 13
- Revenge means nothing! When you have Jesus, you have ALL. GOD will always be closer to us!
Keep movin' upwards! Don't slide! Spread the word of Jesus! Love your enemies! SO THERE!
Posted by
8:33:00 pm
Friday, 28 March 2008
Bringing Salvation To Others
1) Read Luke 14, The parable of the great banquet.
This man wanted his friends to come to his house as he wanted to give a banquet but all his friends refused as they each had something to do. The host was angry, yeah. He then asked his servant to BRING in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. The same servant told his master that there was still some more room in the house. So the host ordered him to keep BRINGING them in till his house was full. Those whom he invited were not allowed in.
So what is this all about?
Just as the master remembered and counted the poor, the crippled and the rest, Jesus is stating that every single human in this world counts as we are all priceless. We count people as people count! We don't just invite people, we BRING people to God's Salvation. We cannot be let down even if that person just keeps ignoring you over your invitations to your Church. Believe in God that your loved ones, your friends, even enemies and strangers (Eg. Foreign people living in our midst)! We are the fishermen who CATCH fish, the former doesn't invite fish, do they? We are the salt of the Earth, we BRING flavour. Farmers don't wait for the harvest, they SOW the seeds. Every time you go to Church, pray for those "crippled" and the "blind" who pass by the Church or are brought to Church that they will be confronted by God. It's like them walking in a fog. Pray that these people who are being rejected, hurt, lost...etc. will have some kind of feeling they never could describe, yet feel overwhelmed. Of course if you ever bring your friend over to Church, anything can happen, don't bother asking how they are feeling as they can't describe anyway. God's presence will fill them, overflowing them. Amen?
Firstly, do you really and deeply love your Church? If not, we would be like zombies and look scary and boring...Which prebeliever will want to go to a Church like that? So SMILE! LAUGH WHOLEHEARTEDLY! NEVER BE GROUCHY or anything else silly, I don't know.
Why should we BRING and not only to invite?
See here, if you only invite these people, you are leaving them the responsibility of bringing themselves to Church to meet up with you. The devil wouldn't want that, would he? He keeps them busy with their lives and there will always be distractions around them. Remember the master's friends? They have no FAITH, don't know that the devil even exists (even so, the wrong impression of the devil). So it's better that we MAKE SURE THAT WE BRING THEM. It's better for us to be attacked by the devil as we have God on our side. We have the FAITH, the LOVE of God and his Kingdom. We have the authority over the devil! Pray that the lost sheep will be touched by God and know what they've been missing in their entire lives, even as we are worshipping God, even before the Preacher starts. Pray before you go in the Church!
PUSH ON! GO GET YOUR LOST SHEEP! Well, they don't know what exactly is the meaning of "Church" and we don't know what their past hurts and feelings are so it can be uncomfortable. But they are like the walking dead and the blind, they can't go to your Church alone, they need a deliverer, YOU! They 've been blinded by their pasts and are crippled in their hearts and minds! It takes effort and time for us, not them! We must not want to leave them the work and responsibility.
2) Luke 10, The Parable of the good Samaritan.
The Samaritan took responsibility to take care and valued the wounded man. He BROUGHT him to an inn and even paid for the bills. People don't like going to places which they don't feel safe in so make your Church very WARM. Be sincere! There are people out there who want to be restored, rebuilt and rid of their hurts whether in the past and in the present. Show them that they are of VALUE! How can we tell them that God Values them if we don't show Value to them? INVEST in their lives! Yeah, give them lunches (the Chinese like to do that) and gifts, encourage them! This is not bribing. We are BRINGERS not inviters (if there's ever such a word).
Posted by
10:34:00 pm
The "Preacher" 's back!
It has been more than 3 months since I last posted something. Seems like I was busy doing other things and being addicted to things like Facebook. had projects and tests. With all those as my reasons, I've been so guilty. Every time I listened to a gospel, I always felt so tempted to write them down here. I ended up doing other things, wasn't very focused, was I? I'm not a good Blogger at all, I don't really know how to write good sentences and all that. However, I hope to start, slowly though. I'm not going to write much about my life nor other's. Nothing offensive nor disturbing I hope. And yes, I'm terribly lazy even though the gospel's good. Starting soon...
Posted by
10:25:00 pm