Sunday, 11 May 2008


Yeah, this topic again, people may say. As it always says, Love keeps no records of Wrongs.
How 'bout starting with these:

  1. 1 Cor 13; 1 Cor 13:5.
  2. Matt 22: 37-40
  3. Psalm 1: 30
  4. 3 John 2
  • Understanding about offences and conflicts.

All these divides us. They are the friction of life; traps; stumbling blocks. It's impossible not to have them! BUT we can prepare ourselves to expect the unexpected. Traps are hidden; disguised such that we get it, duh! And when we get trapped, it's often very hard to be released.

  • Forgiveness is something beautiful until we are affected by it, until we need to forgive someone and let go.
  • Forgiveness is something to let go of, it's letting go of our resentments, our grudges, our desires to get even.

5. Proverbs 14: 10

  • You may say that nobody can really understand another easily, true. But GOD knows your thoughts and feelings. No one under the same circumstances can ever experience the same thing.

6. Matt 18: 21-25

  • Understanding the power of forgivenes.

There can be no records of wrongs to be kept or remembered. Forgiveness begins with understanding how merciful and forgiving GOD has been to you!

7. Isaiah 43: 25

8. 1 John 1: 9

  • Forgiving others is easy as we compare the debts.

9. Psalms 103: 2-3

  • The one who truly understands forgiveness is the one who practices it.

10. Matt 18: 31-35

  • Forgiveness is granted because of the terrible consequences of not forgiving.

11. Unforgiveness can lead to...

  • Mark 11: 15---- Spiritual problems. GOD has always forgiven you so why can't you?
  • Emotional problems. You will start to breakdown, trying to keep all the records of the wrongdoings of others. It will distort your emotions.
  • The only antidote towards sorrow and hurts is forgiveness.
  • Sickness and diseases. GOD takes away all our sickness and diseases when we release our forgiveness towards others. GOD tries to draw us near by "adding" the former.
  • Hebrews 12: 15---- Broken relationships. GOD heals our relationships when we ask for forgiveness and vice versa. Proverbs 24: 29. Powerful miracles will happen! GOD releases these into our lives! Col 3: 13
  • Revenge means nothing! When you have Jesus, you have ALL. GOD will always be closer to us!

Keep movin' upwards! Don't slide! Spread the word of Jesus! Love your enemies! SO THERE!

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