Sunday, 6 July 2008

A Tad Bit Too Personal.

If anyone passes this Blog, one can notice how much I've changed (or rather, I see the change), I used to write more about my personal life in here when I first started out. Didn't realise how late I've been in the ways of technology if you know what I mean deeply, but that's another story. Reading my past posts makes me feel queasy as I've been less mature back then. I felt like deleting them. I decided not to, so whenever I look back I'll know how much I've progressed or even regressed.

I must still say I'm not yet as wise as I want to be. Life have trial and errors; people fall to pick up themselves. And yes, I'm only a few light years, I have a long road ahead. I realise people think differently and yet similarly from me. What I think about and do is not understandable to the rest and yet they accept me. Vice Versa.

We are all equally different and special and yet the same. We are all human beings, created by GOD, we have feelings, we have life stories to tell, we have consciences which cannot be taken over entirely, it will be returned eventually. We control our lives and minds, others can fill you with fear and threats, they could perhaps physically control you but not for long even if you die. We are the ones making the decisions on how we lead our lives.

Even if people that you aren't a leader or any sort of community or group, you should know and remember that you're a leader of your lives, otherwise, why would people say that you lead your life? Your life is the most important responsibility you have. If you don't be a leader of your life, how can you even be a leader for something else? There is no such thing as FATE. There is only our DESTINIES to which we can choose and lead.

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