Have you ever thought what crime really is? Most of us, the general public, would think crime as actions which cause harm to others, like murder, rape and theft. But surprisingly, crime is defined as actions which contravene the laws established by a political authority. This scares me that it is possible that crimes are crimes only when the laws say so. So if there happens to be an immorally sound government around to decide what crimes are, lets say, Hitler's government stated that hiding a Jew from being killed is a crime, I would think this definition above of crime would be wrong. A crime to me is an action done that is immoral and harmful to the individual, others and humanity. So, some actions may not contravene the laws of a certain government but what if they are immoral and harmful? Are they not considered crimes? I doubt the above definition of crime.
Monday, 23 May 2011
And why is suicide in general, not talking about sacrificing or putting your life in danger just so to save another live, classified as a crime in some countries considering that the individual is only harming himself? Or is that really the case? Have you ever thought of the impact of your death if you were to commit suicide? Not considering your individual faiths that defines it to be immoral, but hurting your family members, friends, slowing down the industries are such consequences of your death. Even if you do not have family members, friends and a job to miss you, and even if you are a hindrance to the society, you still have the potential of helping the society. Removing yourself from the face of the earth could be a negative impact, no matter how small, on the society. Apart from this, we as humans, should have a moral sense of value. What do I mean by this? We should not give up easily despite many setbacks, and even if we do, we should pick ourselves up, because this would be morally sound to do so, simply as that. Just a little thought, would being lazy in school and not doing our best in education, work and everything else in life, thus leading to us not being able to survive, actually be a slow way of committing suicide then? So in any case, we all know that not doing homework is actually a crime then, strictly speaking!
And why is drug consumption and prostitution legal in some countries? The governments legalize them so as to keep them in check, and possibly lower the total rate of crimes. However, these drug consumption and prostitution are immoral, so is the total rate of immoral actions really going down, or going up? True, in some cases, the government is able to control these "crimes" and lower the crime rate.
However, does committing a crime mean that you are a criminal then? Apparently, only if you have actually reached the stage of getting a court sentence, you are indeed a criminal. One is innocent until proven guilty. But if one does not get caught for doing a crime, he would not be considered one. Can you imagine that!?
And there are many reasons why people commit crimes even though many know the consequences. Some commit crimes due to circumstances in their families, like their family member(s) is sick and they desperately need money to pay for the medical bills, or because they come from a broken family and have no one to turn to, thus turning to gangs, or because they've become influenced by their parents who are bad role models. All these may seem dramatic, yet this is evident in many countries. People can also commit crimes under the influence of drugs, alcohol, media, peer pressure, depression, passion and even due to their genes as some researchers believe. Nobody was born evil, they were either influenced and led astray, and not properly guided. Just take a look at Hitler, if people accepted him as an artist, perhaps there wouldn't be a WWII. But ultimately, it is mostly ourselves who make the decision whether to commit crimes or not, not depending on external factors unless you are physically or mentally disabled.
So yeah! This is all about crime that I know. (Pretty lousy way to end this, but I don't know how, and want to end this. Lol. Haha)
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9:57:00 pm
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