I’ve waited all my life to be here face to face.
I never knew that I could feel this kind of grace.
The way You show me that Your blood has washed me clean,
Could never be erased; it lives inside of me.
Take me to that secret place,
Where I can only see Your Face,
And nothing else will ever feel this way.
You take away my guilty stains,
The things I’ve done that I can’t change,
It’s only by the Power of Your name.
I stand here in this place,
See the Glory on Your Face,
Taken by the wonder of Your name.
I’m desperate for Your touch,
Never needed it so much,
Cause all I want is You.
When all the things around me have fallen to the ground
I’m always thankful for the love in You I’ve found.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
All I want is you ~ Planetshakers.
Posted by
10:38:00 pm
Monday, 23 May 2011
Have you ever thought what crime really is? Most of us, the general public, would think crime as actions which cause harm to others, like murder, rape and theft. But surprisingly, crime is defined as actions which contravene the laws established by a political authority. This scares me that it is possible that crimes are crimes only when the laws say so. So if there happens to be an immorally sound government around to decide what crimes are, lets say, Hitler's government stated that hiding a Jew from being killed is a crime, I would think this definition above of crime would be wrong. A crime to me is an action done that is immoral and harmful to the individual, others and humanity. So, some actions may not contravene the laws of a certain government but what if they are immoral and harmful? Are they not considered crimes? I doubt the above definition of crime.
Posted by
9:57:00 pm
Getting down to business!
Right, guess I just got influenced by my brother. He writes about GP (General Paper) stuff in his Blog, and this sorts of makes me think this is actually a wonderful idea! Why? I learn to express myself in a more manageable and feasible way. Instead of using the paper to write, I suppose writing on a Blog could prove to be more time efficient and allows me to express my thoughts in a seemingly unconfined way; unlike using the the traditional paper to pen down my thoughts. Although I would probably not be writing long essays here, I hope to write short paragraphs of critical thinking, wouldn't that be great!? Of course, this has a few disadvantages. Ironically, while this helps me to save time, it may not help me to manage my time more efficiently when I'm faced with the real thing. And being on the Internet could lead me astray into unnecessary websites like Facebook. Well, to the followers out there, if any of you guys still read my very un-updated Blog, I'm sorry to disappoint you with maybe, boring topics or topics which do not interest you. However, you are most welcomed to comment on my writings here so as to improve my GP. As you can see, I'm taking A levels GP exam next year. So I got to train up, and so states my title. =) Hope this will continue long-term as I've long given up on writing quotes. Sigh. Yes, I'm not a really disciplined person. But my God is! =)
Posted by
9:37:00 pm