If someone wants to kill or harm me, I pray to say this with all my heart:
"From the deepest bottom of my heart, even if you are able to do worse things than I expect to me, also to make my loved ones suffer, I know that GOD truly loves you more than you know of. He loves you so much that he sacrificed His only son Jesus so as to make a way for you to go back to Him."
In any case, no other gods are like my GOD.
Thursday, 23 October 2008
Just Declaring.
Posted by
8:59:00 pm
Pay It Forward
Also from my other Blog:
There's this old film, Pay It Forward. You've heard? It's really something, way different from films which have little meaning. I will watch This type of film rather than to watch Harry Potter films and so on. It's a beautiful film. Bittersweet. But I dare say that if Trevor had loved his enemy, I know it's hard, but if he had done them a favor full of grace, mercy and compassion, things can change. Perhaps, even if he couldn't, get help from an adult, from someone who could help. If there wasn't anyone, you say? Shout! Say "Fight me if you want!"? Hmmm, don't know about that. But you must ask them something which can hit them in the heart. You know what I mean? There is always a reason somehow. Like why the bully did it. Do you really think it's for pure fun? Do you know what could have impacted him? Problems? What problems? In every person, there's a conscience, there's a heart, a soul, a mind. I feel sad for the bully the most. People can honour and love the dead Trevor. It's so much easier loving him, no? Well, I know that God will most probably deal with him in a very pleasant way, He will reward him good and bad too. So he's done and gone. But what about the bully? Have you ever thought that there can be another life story forming not to be left out? In fact, we have unique life stories, different from one another. What we do in our own life stories affect other people's life stories. People change. The bully can change too. Who are we to judge and criticize him? Aren't we all the same? Instead, guide him with love, mercy, grace and compassion. We ought to give endless chances to one another just as God has to us. Sorry if I sound idealistic and weird and religious. But in the name of Jesus, we need to also learn to love our enemies. It can be hard but when you really do it for real, you just get something out of the ordinary, the feeling is overpowering no matter how slow the progress is.Right, the main point of the film is that you are to make an impact on at least 3 people, and tell the 3 to do the same to another 3 and so on. This is a movement, started by a mere boy. From a Social Studies project, he wanted to make a difference in the world of today. He wanted to do unexpected favors for just at least 3 people, not wanting them to return the favor to him but to PAY IT FORWARD to others with the same mind. One can Pay It Forward to loved ones, but more importantly, to strangers and even enemies who really need an impact in their lives. Some may not be able to follow it, as easy as it seems for they may be shy. But surely, as time passes and the atmosphere changes, the hot potato, even when turned cold, can be reheated and passed on. This movement no doubt changes lives, lives which you have not even met, and yet you have had an indirect impact on others. One flap of a butterfly's wings in South America can cause a typhoon in China. The end of the film is bittersweet. The boy who started the movement was unfortunately killed. Nonetheless, the world and his wife came to hear about his influential and impactive movement, paying tributes to him at the end of the film. This Pay It Forward movement continued and has not stopped since. This boy has made a step towards humanity, ebbing away the self-centered attitude of mankind. Bravo!
Think about it. You can do this too. Bless Someone. May all our days be bright! Every day's a blessed day.
Posted by
8:55:00 pm
Do we have rights under GOD really? We do have rights in the world. Gay rights? Yeah. I'm just a person growing up, not a child, nor an adult. What is being really gay? There are many different views on Gay rights. They hurt my head. Christians, you know that in Deuteronomy, the book specifically said everything clearly. Then, scientists think that being gay is found in the genes. Perhaps so, but no! GOD would never allow any complications, would he? If He did, there's a reason. Some people in this world are gay. Why? Is it because of something which affected them somewhere along their road of life? Influence? Or just really pure love? But why? Are any of them a Christian? 'cause if a Christian is one, he/she must learn to change and follow GOD's way. GOD has already planned for us to be as Man and wife. I'm not gay, I don't know what's like to be one. I'm sure gay people do have hardships, denial and perhaps having confusions. Christians too; they want to bring them to the light, to truly see, only to fail. The tables are turning. To whom? Satan- as Christians call him. Even now, I don't know how to even persuade so people will say to me to stop trying, cause I can't. Pagans nowadays get so sick and tired of listening to opposing views on what they believe in, they don't want to absorb what others say. Perhaps you say that I'm also describing myself. Every religion says that it's the best. But I tell you, if you come to oppose me, I shall think deeply about what you say, absorbing every word and meaning. I shall respond in JESUS's name the best I can. Call me a nutcase, but I'll stand strongly in what I believe. Gay activists may say the same. As I write this topic, I ask of people to be open-minded. I know what the consequences can be as I post this. But I do not want to be a pagan. All I know is that gay or not, GOD loves and treasures us all the same and wants us to follow him. He understands more of you than you know yourself even if you don't believe so. As for us Christians, we must never despise the Pagans for we do act like them when we fall. We are imperfect, but GOD created us to be in the image of Him, to be like him. We can be like Him, just follow Him. It can be hard but just do your best. A gay person can change but GOD's word will never change.
Posted by
7:26:00 pm
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Yeah...yep. YES!
Righto. Exams over, slacking and results coming very soon. Sorry to myself that I couldn't revise much on my own, everything's so rushed, I cramped everything, well, more or less, this and that. Geez, I must say that I do pay attention most of the time in classes, doing the best I could, but as of memorising, applying knowledge, doing things faster, being careful and what not, using common sense...yeah. They're bad.
But! I shall thank the Lord for all that I was able to accomplish in His strength, that I could answer more or less of the overall, that I shall just put all my Faith in Him, that he will extend a hand full of grace and mercy to me and the rest of the students worldwide. I hope not to be the top, just know that Ive done what I could and doing the best in them. Even if I failed in doing my best, I pray that I'll do my very best always. I mustn't be let down. Of course, no one wants a hard lesson.
*Sigh*, why was it a must to write all these done? In any case, I shall leave all these to GOD. I mean, we can't be lazy, it's a sin. So just do our best to glorify GOD. All these academic results aren't everlasting and aren't very useful in God's Kingdom, though we need it to survive the world. But this doesn't mean we can relax and slack as though it's not important, it is, sometimes.
There's nothing wrong about getting PhDs and MBAs (use them fully), just know that in whatever you do, do it for the Glory of the Lord for He has blessed us aplenty. He's our Father who created us, who has paid a price to redeem us. Till today, you can say that I have much to thank Him. Um, prebelievers, perhaps you don't think the same, but I'll just leave that to you to think deeper. GOD BLESS YOU PEOPLE!!!
Ps. Holidays coming=more preaching, haha...I really need to tell more, but I'm also human and moreover, a teenage.
Posted by
5:18:00 pm
To judge.
Who are we to judge others' lives? To cut to the point, when one receives news relating to a maid abuser, a thief, a bully, a murderer, etc, how should one respond? Do we hurl harsh words to them, the baddies? Do we pity the victims the most? Or, should we realise that the bully is the ultimate victim, falling into his very own trap which he doesn't know of?
If we just read this, Matthew 7: 1-5.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," when all the time there is a plank in you own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
The weightage of the consequence of lying is equivalent to the weightage of the consequence of murdering. One may think that lying(even to a loved one) does not send himself to a death sentence and he would receive a lighter punishment. He's wrong. The sins we've done, be it one or countless, will all cost us eternal death.
But with God's love and way, we can indeed avoid eternal death; Jesus had paid the price for us. However, our physical existence will be gone; we will still face death, a physical death. By the way, for prebelievers, you may think this is rot, won't blame you, it's overwhelming for me but I've believed and will not be shaken and stay strong in His stronghold. We have done some things which aren't glorifying to God, who are we to judge the rest?
One should ask himself why the bully did it, in what circumstances was the bully brought up in, was he ever shown the right path to learn and live, who really loved him? Did someone pamper him? All these questions tells about the entire situation. Bullies don't have a right frame of mind; they think they are really sober and really know what they are doing. Who on earth will say that they are wrong when they don't know what they have actually stepped into and perhaps feel that they have power? Who would admit and change for the better?
The victims (the bullied) have a right frame of mind, they know how much the bully will suffer in the end (don't they, deep down?). The latter's suffering is much more than theirs'. It's the bully who is suffering and yet doesn't feel the pain till the end. It's like a drug abuser sniffing glue and becomes really high, and when the police investigate him, he's sent to the hospital with a doctor poking a huge needle into him, and yet the drug abuser doesn't feel it, instead, he smiles and laughs, unaware of his future.
It's also sad that sometimes we aren't empathetic towards the bully, not that we should support him, but to bring him to the right path, to show him the way, to carry him up from his fall. And to truly forgive and forget the past. This, I say, is compassion, grace and mercy to the "enemy" (the only enemy is just Satan). In fact, none of us deserve grace and what not. But GOD gave us those, thus we should also show them to others. Know what grace is? Grace is undeserving favor upon one.
Posted by
4:04:00 pm