Oooo...I'm addicted to Hannah Montana!Here's a few episodes...
It's a Mannequin's World(1/3)
It's a Mannequin's World(2/3)
It's A Mannequin's World (3/3)
It's My Party And I'll Lie If I Want To(1/3)
It's My Party, And I'll Lie If I Want To (2/3)
It's My Party, And I'll Lie If I Want To (3/3)
Schooly Bully(1/3)
Schooly Bully(2/3)
Schooly Bully(3/3)
Me and Rico Down by the School Yard(1/3)
Me & Rico Down By The School Yard(2/3)
Me and Rico Down by the School Yard(3/3)
Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas(1/3)
Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas(2/3)
Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas(3/3)
I Am Hannah, Hear Me Croak(1/3)
I Am Hannah, Hear Me Croak(2/3)
I Am Hannah, Hear Me Croak(3/3)
Well, that's all for now! Enjoy!
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Hannah Montana- 1
Posted by
10:16:00 am
Monday, 22 October 2007
So nowadays there are many hackers, spammers and all those crooks in the Internet. You just can't stop them. Well preaching to that person who just irritated you on your Blog may not work always... Anyway, I happen to make friends with a spammer though I'm not too sure if it can last as he's gone. He spammed in one of my friend's Blog. Wastin' time I say, he must have been quite free as to copy and paste nonsense in the CBox. Yeah, why do people spam? Well I don't mind really as it doesn't affect me or my entire Blog. Hackers are way different and more dangerous...I have no idea how they break in, other than guessing of course. Weird? Then there's crooks who want personal and obscene stuff from foolish people around the world. We just need to stay safe, get what I mean? Yeah, bet ya do.
Posted by
6:56:00 pm
Labels: Just a thought
Monday, 15 October 2007
Little Britain 3
Not many people cross-dress nowadays.
Emily and Florence
An afternoon tea
Emily Howard in the Pub
Posted by
5:01:00 pm
Labels: Little Britain
Little Britain 2
So yeah...These videos are about Vicky Pollard and her motor mouth acts.
Vicky Pollard In Court
Vicky Pollard in swimming pool
Vicky Pollard babysitting
Vicky Pollard in school
Vicky Pollard in the supermarket
Posted by
4:20:00 pm
Labels: Little Britain
Little Britain!
Man! I was watching Little Britain on Youtube. They were short but great in a way. Not many people in Singapore were able to appreciate them as the series were aired last year and late in the night. Now there's a book about the series. Here's some of Lou and Andy. Lou sits on the wheelchair by the way. There are other stories in the series too. Enjoy.
Andy & Lou -- New Wheelchair
Lou & Andy at the Swimming Pool
Andy & Lou -- Feeding the Ducks
Lou and Andy at Church.
Andy & Lou -- Blind Date
Andy Missed Lou
Lou and Andy at Karate class.
Lou takes Andy to the museum.
Posted by
1:11:00 pm
Labels: Little Britain
Friday, 12 October 2007
Woah! Exams are way over...but not the results though. I'm so glad that GOD has stuck with me, carrying all my burdens! Even though I failed my Grade 4 piano practical exam, I'm glad that I no longer need to feel any weight, now that it's over and that I would not need to retake it. I really don't want to have anything got to do with piano practical exams. It's tough and stressful. I reckon that people don't need grades to show that they can play. All these certs. are just to show how fast and how good you are in your piano. However, people change, they may forget all about piano and so on. It's only a piece of paper, if you want to show how good you are( especially in a job interview concerning playing the piano) then you just play right in front of their eyes! Well, that's if you want a career that has something got to do with music. And of course you got to play well and know many piano pieces, meaning that you should be well-versed in playing the piano. Things are better now that I realised after a long time that I could just play freely! For leisure! For whatever pieces that I'm interested in! It's just pure stupidity that I didn't think of that. Well, I'm quite lazy and I dislike practising for piano practical exams. Practising and playing are way two different things. Get it? Besides that, I also had my end of year exams. They are not too bad and I won't really go much into that as it's too long and nobody wants to fall asleep on the computer right? So anyway, the exams were pretty much quite easy( now that they are over, I consider them quite easy). I went to my good friend's house(it's rare that my dad would agree and it was my first time going to my friend's house for fun) with Cesk and we were haing fun and laughter all the way(I was the only one who kept losing the games). It was totally great! I never expected anything extraordinary to happen. After the last paper, we were eating out, watching a DVD, playing games, going on the internet, snacking and chatting!
Posted by
5:47:00 pm