Friday, 16 October 2009

Taking Faith in God to a higher level.

Have you ever prayed to God for more faith in Him? Then, do you know that when you ask for more faith in Him, you also need to put in effort and work on it? I believe we all know that deep down. We can't just expect God to take away whatever hardships or anything else that dampens our faith in God. What we can expect God to do is that He will give you the strength and everything that you need to overcome your problems. Our part is to make use of what God gave to us. We can step out with what we have in God. There also many times when we don't see any help or strength coming along even after many years. And this is why we have faith! God has never forsaken you. There are no dead ends to your problem. A so called dead end is a start to something new in your life. At the dead end, you move up! Remember what God can do! If God can make dry bones turn back to life, God can resurrect your dead relationships, your dead friendships, etc. !

Also, when you ask God to increase your faith, you are actually asking God for TESTS. Not the kind of tests you can mug(study) for, but the tests which can make people cry. When you go through testing times, it's the time for you to especially increase your faith in God. God doesn't pull us OUT of troubles, He pulls us THROUGH troubles. He does this to build our characters. We may feel let down by God during delay periods but know that if we wait patiently no matter how urgent the situation can be, God will give you the best.Stay with God. Don't give up hope and faith. Be willing to go through every step as God wants to build up your character, your faith and your life. Let us endure and smile in times of trial and difficulty.



valley33 said...

So true! It is so hard not to lose faith in the sight if adversity, even if He has been faithful. One thing I always struggle with is how God gives us struggles whether we ask for it or not... I feel like I'm not sure I should be asking for it, But I know that He can use adversity for His greater good in His time. Great post.

lodestar said...

I have come to your blog several times over about a year. However, the page I have been going to was dated July 21, 2007. I have had this page bookmarked on my computer for so long, and every now and then I would come to it as encouragement for myself. I had originally found your page this past year by searching Aurora pictures on google and somehow was led to your page. :) very cool. I love how the "mighty to save" song was typed out there, truly I have enjoyed coming to this page. It's so funny~ this night (02/28/10 8pm) is the very first time I have realized that there are more updated pages of yours. I do not use sites like this much, excuse my ignorance here. My name is Mary, I am born again, a faithful Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am glad to be able to contact you, even though I haven't known you personally. Now that I have read your newest blog, and created an account of my own :) , I feel motivated to contact you, for your motivation. I wish that I had your personal email, rather than posting here. Nevertheless :) I read your comments and want to encourage your faith in God. Ephesians 1:3, God has blessed you with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavens in Christ. As it is in heaven, let it be also here, on earth. In your born-again spirit you already have been given the very faith that raised Jesus Christ from the dead. You are a child of the Most High God. Are you sick in your body? You tell the sickness to leave from your body in the name of Jesus. James 4:7, you resist the devil (destroyer) and he will flee from you. You are not weak. You are mighty through God. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Renew your mind to the Word of God. What is the Word of God? Is it not His Son? Jesus Christ is the Word of God made into flesh, spoken of God into existence through the words the prophets, spoken by the power of the Holy Spirit working within man. Jesus is the Word. Wash your mind with the testimony of who Jesus Christ is, the Son of God, your salvation and righteousness. Assure your heart of His wisdom, spoken through the ages. Let your heart be convinced and encouraged. Every good and perfect gift is from God. Let no man say when he is tempted that it is from God, because God does not take part in evil, and He does not bring evil on anyone. God so loved, that He gave His Son. He so loves YOU that He gives, and provides for your every need. You are complete in Christ, at the moment you received the Gift of salvation you were sealed with the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13. You are given precious promises. God's eyes are always on you with love, because He is love. Not "love" like the common human has learned of it's meaning. Love in purity~ it is Him. At the core of creation~ it is Him. YOUR Daddy- He is the Father of creation. HE LOVES YOU!!! He will never turn you away, even when you think He has turned from you~~ it may surprise you JUST HOW MUCH your Father REALLY loves you. Romans 8. There is nothing, seen or unseen, that has the power or influence to separate you from His love. All forces on this earth or the will of man may try, but not one of His children can be taken from the security of Christ that He has made for them. Amen to the Father, He has done a PERFECT WORK.
Much love in the Lord, I am hopeful that your heart has been encouraged. We have such a great hope given to us. Be blessed :)

Coel said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement! I pray that we will indeed be able to use whatever gifts that God gave and to do what God wants us to do. =)

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