Whenever I think about reaching out to people about the gospel, I'm always afraid of the questions they may ask. Questions like, "Aren't all religions the same?", "You still so fat, not rich, still sick, etc...even though you say that your God helps and blesses you abundantly. How come?" and many others. Of all the questions, I have one question in my mind that literally leaves me stressed, crying to God for an answer. This question is "What has God done for you in your life?". Perhaps many Christians can truly say that they have experienced many miracles and they have been part of miracles in other people's lives. I have too! I could answer a prebeliever that I'm still living, my parents are still alive too, my family is not rich but we have happiness...etc. But! My prebeliever friend will say, "Me too! And I don't worship your God.". What I mean is that, what I have to me are indeed blessings, but my friend will say that what I have is what she has and furthermore, she does not worship my God. Thus my so-called blessings are nothing to her. I believe you readers understand this, if not, try to understand this. I admit that I've been somewhat depressed today. The next two Fridays I'll be evangelising with the Youth from my Church in or outside a shopping mall. We will be meeting all sorts of people who will probably ask us lots of skeptical questions, most of which I can only depend on God to answer from my heart. And no, I'm never going to commit suicide. I read the Bible this late afternoon, literally crying to God for a sharp answer. I really cannot tell if the Holy Spirit is in me or not.
Some people have it even though they cannot speak in tongues. There are also Churches who disapprove or don't seek for this gift. Some prebelievers get scared when they see Christians speaking in tongues, thinking that the latter are possessed. But I can tell you that being able to speak in tongues is a joy to me if I can one day! This means that there truly is a Holy spirit in me! Tongues are languages which you have probably never heard of. Christians have no idea what language they are speaking, but they know that they are praising God. Other people can also interpret what the other Christian is saying and tells, especially to the prebelievers in Church, what God is saying through the other Christian. Speaking in tongues is a witness to prebelievers. The first time I wanted to speak in tongues was mostly because I thought it was cool and I could show off to my friends. Perhaps it was why God didn't give this gift to me even till now. He doesn't want me to misuse it. Right now, I shall wait patiently and eagerly (I don't think impatient=eager btw.) for Him to fill me with the Holy spirit! Again, it is nothing wrong if even at my last breath, I can't speak in tongues. I won't be filled with bitterness. If you remember the thief who was crucified along with Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and saviour, he hadn't got the time to speak in tongues and yet, he will be with the Lord. Anyway, you can praise God with any language!
So as I was saying before getting sidetracked, as I don't know if the Holy Spirit is in me or not, I don't know if I got an answer from God. But this is what I'll add to what I'll always say if anybody ever asks me this question, "Because of Him, I'm able to see all these as blessings. Because of Him, I'm able to see that I'm blessed with many things. Even though I don't have a nice figure and I'm not rich, I can still feel absolutely blessed because I can live without these things as I have Him who gives me what I really need. With God, you can feel that everything is fair in the world. Even if I'm to be killed by someone who gets away with the crime, I shall be glad that it could be a chance for him to turn himself in and get a lighter sentence, or at least have another chance to know God before turning himself in. I mean, look, anything can happen! And if I have a bad habit which is hard to get rid of, I believe that it is a blessing in disguise. This is like a test or some procedure which makes me grow stronger in my Faith in God. And when I can finally get rid of my bad habit, the happiness is beyond comprehension. Hope you know what I mean!"
Another thing is, I didn't know there are people who think that religions are meant for only weak people. You know what I think? Even if you are a very strong person, my take is that you will be an even stronger person with Jesus as not even the strongest person's perfect and without worry. Everyone was born naked and weak. We all need a God to depend on. Other religions btw. say that one cannot touch their God or Gods and goddesses as they are sacred and we are impure. True, we are sinners, not perfect and unclean. But my God cleanses our sins with His very own blood. He also wants a Father-child relationship with us. He is unlike other Gods. That's our God! Those who don't believe that there's a God, please ask yourselves how you were created and think if it is weird that you are created without a purpose in life and even after life. Hope you can see what I mean!
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Something to say.
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7:21:00 pm
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HEY! ..Again! This is the same person, Mary, I spoke with you the other day. I got your reply as well :) Ok... wow! I didn't see this blog of yours last time! I have your answer from God..... You and God became companion spirits when you were made alive to Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). You will always have Him with you. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is actually a totally separate experience from being born-again, which is when you actually received the perfect spirit you have today. So-- consider the words of Jesus in Luke 11:9-13(read it). God has a totally giving heart! And hey-- YOU are the one He wants to give to!!! :) Isn't that great?? Ask God, and believe that at that moment when you ask Him- you in fact receive His Holy Spirit inside of you. So, pray out loud and ask your Daddy for that good thing that you desire. He wants to give you the power of His Spirit inside of you to live your Christian life on this earth. As you pray your going to feel syllables from a language you don't recognize rise up from within you. And as you speak these out loud by faith- you are releasing the power of God and building yourself up in faith (Jude 1:20). You don't have to feel overwhelmed, shaken, controlled- as it has been misunderstood. It's ok if you do not feel anything at all. And it's also ok if you do :) . We are Believers. We don't have to have God's promises proven to us- we just believe that what He promises in His Word- is true! Mark 11:24 whatsoever you ask, believe you receive and you have what you asked for. :) So...that's the most important thing I really have that I wanted to say to you. There are many more things I would like to say to you, but I find that the words may be MANY, and the Holy Spirit can say all things that God desires for you to hear. I do say this however, what ever you do in your life, no matter what you encounter-- God has said this to you, Isaiah 54:14-15 In righteousness you will be established; You will be far from oppression, for you will not fear- And terror, will not come near you. If anyone attacks you, it is not from Me; whoever attacks you will fall before you.
God is good- always. And you can always expect good from Him. He loves you brother. Let His love bandage your heart- He is going to heal the things that keep you from experiencing His love. Your Daddy's going to take care of you. Let me know about your experience with the Holy Spirit! disseminated.light@gmail.com
Love in the Lord- you're blessed!
Hi again! Thank you for telling me these things!!! Well, recently, I don't know if this was from God, but there was one day when my friends and I had to wait for this school bus that took so long to come. And I just felt that the bus would only come after I shared the gospel to one of my friends who is a prebeliever. I hesitated as I did not know if it was God telling me this. But I felt that since the bus was taking quite some time to come, I thought of sharing the gospel once again to my friend. I didn't quite know what to say except asking her what she thought Christianity meant to her and she replied asking me what I want her to know about that. And so, I told her that Jesus loves her; the reason why we are created is that God loves us. It was rather a simple message. And the next moment, the bus came. I don't know if that was coincidental but I'm glad that I told my friend about the gospel.
Hey! That's great to hear! Telling others about what God has freely given us is great! I think you were totally following God's leading--the gospel is something your friend needs to know. It's your responsibility to plant the seed of His Word- He will provide for it's growth in their hearts. You know, I believe that our mentality, going into a conversation where we are witnessing about the Lord to someone who may not believe, is that we have really great news!!! What we have is something that, whether they know it YET or not, they want it! And they need it! Reconciliation with God- that is what we are teaching. That there is a God- He has a plan--and it includes us! The grace of God. Unmerited favor. Unearned love. Relationship with the One who created all things. He already did everything required for us to enter His presence, we simply submit to His saving grace. It is a very simply message, as you said. These are such great and absolutely necessary things to know. You hear the Holy Spirit as He leads you in the right words that people need to hear. But remember- God wants you first. YOU are who He is really after. He wants you to know how much He loves YOU. As you receive that- you naturally, without trying, return that love to Him and spread it to others. The majority of your witnessing to people will be out of an overflow of the love you have received from God for yourself. As you just focus yourself in on knowing Him, you will find yourself witnessing to people more accidentally, than you ever did trying. People without you even knowing- observe you, and the way that you act and react in certain situations. Sometimes our witnessing to others is even without words- because they know you believe in the Savior, and as they observe your life, it is a witness in itself to them. Like I said-- you just let Him love on you!!! :) that is the most important thing.
Once again... great to hear from you! And the great work you're doing! Much love in the Lord, you're blessed!
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