Sunday, 24 June 2007

The Teenage Rebellious Stage

Alright, so I know how bad I am, why it seemed so easy to say I would never rebel against whosoever whom I respect when I was younger. I never saw it coming, the teenage rebellious stage, I never dreamt that I would admit it. It really is just so scary how stupid and rebellious my attitude was when I talked back to my parents and my siblings. It's cruel when it seemed that everyone despised me for being childish. If you love, honour and respect your loved ones, you wouldn't even refuse to say that you are wrong (even if you are correct) when they scold you for whatever you've done. That's being mature. Be mindful when you have started talking back at your parents. That's how it started for me. Nowadays I cry alone about how 'spiky' and rebellious I became to my family. I felt really bad and I pray that I'll change for the better and be less rebellious.


Hamster said...

Yes you better change you smelly girl

Coel said...

sheesh, I am.

Cursors by dorischu