Some people believe that Christmas is all merry and all that with great food, great parties and great presents (and not forgetting love) going around; a season of giving. It's good to hear that, but the real reason why we celebrate Christmas is that Christ Jesus was born 2000 years back. Not that he was born exactly on this date- 25th Dec, but GOD gave Him to us as a gift, a way for us sinners to go back to the Father. Jesus was sent down here like any other human, He was born into a poor family, not a King. He paid for our sins by sacrificing His life, His flesh and blood, so that we can be with our heavenly Father. This is and always is the Greatest present I've ever accepted in my life! To me, a Blessed Christmas is better than a Merry Christmas. As people say, Christmas is a season for giving, so should we only give when it's Christmas? I think that we should think Christmas every day with a giving spirit! There's no need to give presents, but to lend yourself as a helping hand, a listening ear, an encouragement and some time every day to one who needs it, wouldn't one feel loved and blessed?
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Sunday, 21 December 2008
What do we live for?
Ever since my last post, I had been slacking. I really should not for I had many GREAT messages from GOD but after a while, I got addicted to virtual games which are pretty meaningless even if you are playing with your friends and "hanging out" with them on the Internet. I've been crazy in Facebook- Pet Society. After all, I still a teenager and a foolish one. One must care for the pet, earn money through games and gain levels with new entitlements and trophies to keep. If a friend is at a higher level, one may urge himself to go higher; to at least be on par. It probably is like a competition to some. There will be new rooms as one levels up, for one to buy things like furniture to decorate with the money he has. There is even a cafe for one to go to and "meet up" with strangers all over the world. There is a stadium for people to race and bet on one's friends. But in all of these, one can find it lame and boring eventually. One is just clicking here and there, the game's not real in life, it has little meaning in life, it's wasting one's time actually. No matter how good you are at a virtual game, it can never help you much in your real life. Sure, virtual games can keep one's eyesight and mind trained somehow. But on the whole, if you overdo it, your health's ruined bit by bit. There are always consequences in whatever you do. Perhaps playing virtual games is a pleasure to us young people, but seriously, think about this:
Other than living for pleasure, what else do we live for?
Do something that you really want to do and move about for! Be it shopping not only for yourself for USEFUL stuff, helping your neighbour out, or even touring the world, 'cept that the economy's poor now. And don't just work or study for nothing, don't just work or study for rewards, good results so as to get a good job in future, and bonuses! We ought to work and study what we want, giving others the best in their lives. But of course, one is rewarded good and bad. To me, I pray to go out to the world and bring the gospel to them for the end of the world is very near. I also want to bring my unsaved friends to church and pray that they will open their hearts and accept GOD as their Saviour. And as slow as they take with all their lame excuses and what not, I WILL BRING THEM SALVATION, meaning that I believe GOD WILL DO GREATER THINGS IN ME AND OTHERS THAN HE HAD BACK THEN. This is my biggest and most important purpose in life. I probably sound crazy to prebelievers, like I'm acting so, very weird and very blind. But I know my GOD is greater than what I ever imagined Him to be. There's so much in GOD and I want to be with Him forever, even though I've got so much sin on me and I slip so many times...
So people, what's your definition of having a meaningful life?
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6:32:00 pm